The Fritts Life- its gonna be a good good life!

About The Blog

Welcome to my blog! When me and my husband got married, we decided to follow Dave Ramsey's financial principles and radically change our life and the way we handle money.  We both agreed it was important to continually pursue each other and "date" each other even during marriage- so this meant I would have to get very creative and come up with date nights on very little money! So began what we called "FFF Nights" (Fritts Family Fun Nights).  They would be once a month, an in home date, mostly technology free- just me and him spending quality time together. These nights have become some of our favorite memories and we look forward to them each month- what a blessing this has been!

In additon, we have decided to not spend money on eating out. Yes, this is VERY tough sometimes- but man, eating out can ruin your budget faster than anything!  We have one date night out a month, in addition to our FFF, we pick one fun and new restraunt to try out, but other than that, we cook at home.  My goal for 2012 was to start cooking healthier to help us shed some of those "newlywed pounds"- as I refer to them :) 

I decided to start this blog to share our budget lifestyle ideas with others.  Sometimes, having less can result in having so much more!

The blog recently changed names from Datingonabudget to TheFrittsLife because we are expecting our very first baby! We are so excited and wanted to share this journey with our family and friends!

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