How Far Along: 32 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: holding steady at 18 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Yes, Yes, Yes
Stretch Marks: I'm staying lucky on this one so far!
Sleep: Not so great, toss and turn all night and get up to pee every hour- my poor husband!
Best Moment This Week: Finding out that I'm not going into labor yet & my first baby shower
Miss Anything: Being able to sleep how I want and being able to walk normal!
Movement: All the time!! Non stop kicking and moving!
Food Cravings: Nothing really, I cant eat much at one time- Braxton is taking up my whole stomach!
Anything make you quesy or sick: Nope
Gender Predicition- He is definitely a boy!
Labor Signs:CONTRACTIONS!!!!!
Symptoms: Contractions, swollen feet, hot flashes
Belly Button in or out: Still flat
Wedding ring on or off: ON!! whoo hooo
Looking Forward to: Baby Classes
Nursery Progress: Its ready!
He is the size of a squash this week! He should weigh 2.5-3.8 pounds and measure 15.2-16.7 inches long.
He has now developed sensitivity to temperature. Chances of survival if the baby were born this week is 90%!!
Monday morning I got up and got ready for work, as I was getting ready to leave, around 645am I got another incredibly painful contraction. The kind that makes walking impossible- this one felt like Braxton was literally pushing his way out. I couldn't walk, couldnt sit, it was awful. I rode with my mom to work, the pain was kind of going in and out. But when I got out of the car to walk into work it went into high gear again. I couldnt hold it in anymore and just cried and cried at my desk because of the pain. Finally around 745am it was over. I called my doctor to tell them about everything from Sunday and Monday- and they said I needed to come into Labor & Delivery immediatly. (they werent happy that I waited so long!)
So we went up there, I had my mom and Brian with me- I was still crying off and on because by this time I was pretty scared. I expected them to take me to the testing room- but instead I went right into a delivery room. I got hooked up to all the machines and they monitored his heart beat, his movements, and my contractions and blood pressure. We were watching the contractions on the monitor and I noticed I was going up to the 40's and 50's quite often, but I didnt really know what that meant. Honestly, since I wasnt having the painful ones anymore I felt kind of silly and bad that I made everyone take off work, because I thought nothing was happening. Boy was I wrong!!
Next thing I know I have nurses coming in very concerned- saying that I am having strong contractions anywhere from 6-12 minutes apart with some as close at 4 minutes apart. They gave me a shot that was supposed to relax my uterus muscles to try to slow down the contractions (I am terrified of needles and shots!) The actual needle of the shot wasnt bad at all, but gosh it burned! Then they had to do a test to see what my chances of pre term labor was- um uncomfortable!! And they checked to see if I was dilated- luckily I wasnt!!!
The doctor came in to check on me- I just love Dr. Hall- she gave me a lecture about not coming in Sunday- told me I was now on bed rest and that she wasn't sure how long I would be in the hospital. They needed to get my test results back which would take several hours and I couldn't be released until the contractions were under control. The shot they gave me slowed the contractions down for about 10 min, but then they came back even stronger and faster. Now they were only 2 minutes apart! So time for shot #2- they could only give me 3 of these shots, and I really didn't want to go through another one, so I was really hoping this one would work. And thankfully it did, the contractions slowed down in strength and speed.
So, finally HOURS later we were released- home for bed rest! The fetal fibronectin test came back negative- meaning I had a 98% chance of not having the baby for 2 more weeks. However, it only predicts 2 weeks- so the doctor warned me that at 2 weeks and 1 day- all bets were off again. I had to stay home from work Tuesday but they let me go back after that since my job is just sitting at a desk with no standing or moving. And then after work hours and on weekends I was to be on bed rest.
Tuesday I went in to see Dr. Hall for a follow up appointment and she scheduled me an emergency ultrasound that day to check on the baby and see if I was effacing yet. I love ultrasounds because there is nothing better than getting to see your little one, but they are starting to get really uncomfortable. I am all baby in my belly, so my belly is really really hard (they comment on that every time)- so when they push with the ultrasound thing its an uncomfortable hurting feeling. She measured all his bones and his head- once again we got the "oh my gosh he has such a big head" comment and she told us he is measuring almost 2 weeks bigger than he should be- measures at 33 weeks and 5 days and is weighing 5.2 lbs, which is HUGE, he should be about 2.5 lbs- so they are estimating if he goes to full term he would be between 9-10 lbs. I know this is just an estimation and soooo many people have told me their stories on how it was off- but this is one of my biggest fears. I knew it ran in Brians side of the family to have huge babies, but I was really praying my genetics would come into play on this one.... The most important thing is that he is healthy, no matter how big he is, but I'm still holding out hope that the numbers are wrong....
his lips all puckered up |
his big ol foot- takin after his daddy and papa kj! |
He is head down and very very low- this kid is ready to come on out! She couldn't measure my cervix because he was so low, so we had to do the internal ultrasound to get the measurement. It wasn't until the next day that we got the results back on this- but we got good news! I wasn't effacing yet!!! So for now they are calling this pre term labor contractions and ordering modified bed rest.
Saturday my mom went garage sale-ing and found some AMAZING baby deals for us!!! By this point I was getting really restless and there was a small consignment sale right down the street so we all 3 went and found some more awesome deals- I'm telling you I dont know what we would have done without Consignment Sales, Garage Sales, and CraigsList- they have been the biggest blessing to our teeny tiny budget!
Sunday was our first baby shower- we did a co-ed baby shower because I just dont understand why only the mom would want to have the fun of getting things for the baby- its OUR baby, not just mine. It turned out perfect- my friends Taylor and Penny and my mom hosted it for us- the theme was She's About To Pop! The decorations were adorable and Penny baked all the yummy food! We had popcorn cupcakes, pop rocks, ring pops, popcorn, soda pop candy, and colored soda in blue, green, and orange! It was kinda difficult for me because I wasnt able to get up and mingle with all my friends- I sat seated in the same spot the entire time. But it was so fun- we got some great and cute gifts and Taylor came up with some really fun games. We played Who Knows Mommy & Daddy the Best! Betsey knew me the best and Shannon knew Brian the best (with Britt in a close second- way to go Weaver Family!) And we played How Sweet It Is- a game where you match candy bars up with things in pregnancy- it got lots of laughs :) And we did How Big is My Belly- everyone tore off some streamers the length that they thought would wrap around my belly- Miss Sarah got 1st place with her sister Kacie and my friend Kenzi in VERY close second!
While we were opening gifts I started to have contractions and got really really hot- so Brian finished opening them all for us. Thank you to everyone who came over to celebrate with us and for being so patient with my contractions and hot flashes! We have some pretty amazing friends and family :) And a HUGE thank you to Penny, Taylor, and my mom for putting the party together, doing all the before hand and afterwards cleaning, and all the decorating!!! You guys ROCK and we are so blessed to have you in our lives!
mommy & daddy! |
brian opening the gifts for us while i had contractions/hot flashes! |
my lovely hostesses! |