The Fritts Life- its gonna be a good good life!

Our Love Story

I love sharing our Love Story any chance I get, so I couldn't resist adding it on here too! :)

I was baptized on January 4, 2009 and from that day on, my whole world changed! I decided to "date" Jesus that year- I developed such a strong intimate relationship with Him.  Every time the church doors were open, I was there serving and worshipping.  I stayed up all night reading the Bible and woke up early to read more- I just couldn't get enough!  I felt like the Lord was pulling me towards serving in Konnect- which is our children's ministry at LifeChurch- so in July 2009 I signed up and started serving there.

The very first night Brian caught my eye, I heard God tell me that the man I was seeing on the stage (Brian), would be my husband.  I knew it before I ever spoke to him.  That night I had a short conversation with him- the activity for the kids was finger paints, which he encouraged my 12 6yr old boys to paint my face with.  Always a great first impression, right :)

Well come to find out, he was not available at the time, which left me confused because I really thought I had heard God.  But, I continued to pray and date Jesus and lead my wonderful group of boys.  I really felt God was putting it on my heart to pray for my future husband, that he was hurting and needing to find God before he found me.  I prayed and prayed and prayed.

Fast forward 5 months-  and on December 3rd, at the end of Konnect, Brian asked if I would like to get coffee with him sometime! As I acted all cool, calm, and collected- and said "sure"-  Inside I was jumping up and down like the giddiest little girl ever!  The next night, the 4th, we met up for our very first date and decided to get Icees (much more fun!) and sat and talked for hours. We talked about everything, past relationships, God, what we wanted- it was perfect.

We have spent EVERY single day together since Dec 4, 2009.  We both knew by the third date that we were going to be getting married- this was definitely a God thing!  We are each others best friends and love spending every second together...people say this will wear off, but we dont believe so :)

May 2010 my dad took me and Brian on a roadtrip to Conley Bottom Resort in Kentucky.  It was there in the middle of the lake on my dads boat that Brain asked my dad for permission to marry me.  My dad said he didn't even hesitate, got the biggest smile ever, and said he'd be honored to have Brian as a son!

September 15, 2010 after Konnect- Brian walked me over to the prayer chapel.  As we got to the doors, he squeezed my hand and said "You know I love you right", then he opened the doors- and inside was all of our family and friends in a candle lit room with rose petals down the center aisle.  He walked me to the front, got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife.  It was more perfect than any fairy tale I have ever hoped for or dreamed of.  I stood there in complete shock- I had no idea he was planning this! and then finally squealed out a YES!

We got married on Feb 4, 2011 at our church- it seemed only fitting since we met there, I was asked on our first date there, and got engaged there.  Our wedding day was one of the worst snow storms ever-  highways were closed, it was all ice and snow.  While many of our guests (and family) were unable to make it, we had the most beautiful snow wedding ever.  We wrote our vows together, we danced the entire reception and loved every second of our night.

Now, we have almost been married a year- we have a dog, named Baby Girl, she is our little cuddelbug.  She was abused when she was younger, but she loved Brian from the start!  The first night he came by my house, I tried to warn him about her, but she just ran up and jumped in his lap- it was like she loved him from first sight too!  We live in a tiny house- 2 bedrooms- and its absolutely wonderful.  Its just the right size, we dont have the space to accumulate things we dont need, and its cozy. We are loyal Oklahoma State Fans- we go to every home football game with my mom, who Brian affectionately nicknamed Millie.  I am a 3rd generation Cowboy and Brian has definitely adopted OSU as his school too :)

We are committed to constantly working on our marriage, before it ever needs "work".  We have been in pre marriage mentoring since our 2nd week of dating.  We've had 3 mentors by now- each couple has made a lasting impact on us, more than they will ever know.  We attended a Family ID workshop shortly after we got married, we wanted to start a new beginning for our Family Tree.   Our Fritts Family ID is "We Were Made for More"- we believe this in every aspect of our lives,  good is not good enough- we were made for more.  God created us to be so much more than just average or just good.  Our Family Verse we selected is Matthew 5:16 "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds an praise your Father in Heaven".

I tell people all the time it is worth the wait, waiting on Gods best.  I got married at a much older age than I envisoned when I was a little girl, but I have a marriage that is full of love and respect and is truly a fairy tale story.  I love my husband and am so thankful to have a marriage like ours!

Our Vows
I take you to be my partner  and my best friend.

I pledge to you my life as a loving and faithful spouse.

I promise to love, guide, and protect you. To strengthen, help, comfort, and encourage you.

I promise to live a   life of faith and hope in Jesus Christ and to continually pray for you and our relationship.
I promise to always make Christ my #1 and you my #2.

I will trust and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you through good and bad times regardless of the obstacles we may face.

I promise to be faithful in every way- heart, mind,and body.

I promise to continually pursue you and to love you more each day than the day before.

I promise that you will forever be my best friend.  That we will always be a team that will stand by each other and be united together.

I promise to love you even when you least deserve it, for that is when you need it the most.

I will honor those decisions we make together and will work to establish a home where peace, joy, love, and prayer reign and where Christ is the center of our lives. 

I praise God continually for you, for your love and friendship.

I will love, honor, and cherish you always.

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