The Fritts Life- its gonna be a good good life!

Friday, April 20, 2012

10 Weeks!!

How Far Along:  10 weeks
Total Weight Gain:  I gained back 3 pounds, so now I'm only down 5 pounds total!
Maternity Clothes:  My belly has officially outgrown my jeans, so I'm now wearing Bella Bands :)
Stretch Marks:  Nope
Sleep:  Lots of it!
Best Moment This Week:  We stayed at my moms house all weekend- it was so much fun! And we went to a baby expo as a family- what a great weekend it was!
Miss Anything:   Being active- still not medically released
Movement: not yet
Food Cravings: Puffy Cheetos! Cant get enough of em!
Anything make you quesy or sick:  Water :(,  Driving in cars, brushing my teeth
Gender Predicition- Girl
Labor Signs: none
Symptoms:  Dizziness, cramping, heightened sense of smell
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding ring on or off:  On
Happy or Moody:  Happy
Looking Forward to:   Getting off Prometrium- 1 more week to go!!!!
Nursery Progress: We have picked out the crib! Just need to decide the color now!

The baby is now the size of a prune! Its vital organs are now fully developed and starting to function! Plus, the baby is swallowing and kicking!

We had some severe weather hit this week- they predicted awful tornados and hail- so we packed up our dog and luggage and loaded everything up in the pickup and headed to my moms for the weekend. That way Brians truck would be in a garage instead of outside, and we could all be together as a family if bad weather really did hit! It was so much fun- since my mom lives in town, we don't really ever get to "visit" her- its more of stopping by for a few minutes for something or seeing her out and about- but we got to stay all weekend long and really visit with her.  We went garage sale-ing (we thought we would find baby stuff, but we quickly learned its much easier to do after you know the sex- but we did end up with 2 nice hoodies and 2 pregnancy books all for $2!!!!),  we went house looking (that was just spur of the moment, but so fun!), and we went to a baby and toddler expo!  We rested a lot and watched movies together- it was a great weekend!

The 24/7 nausea has gotten better, however it was replaced by actual throwing up now :( I don't know which I dislike more!  I'm still struggling with brushing my teeth- I took advice from friends and use very little toothpaste, spit constantly, and hum while I brush- If I can brush that morning, I have about 20 seconds max to get it done.  Ugh.  But good news is, flossing and mouthwash don't bother me at all, so at least I can still do that!  I'm still extremely tired all the time, like tired beyond what words can describe.  I only have 1 more week of the Prometrium (hallelujah!) and then as my doctor says I will finally feel like a normal pregnant woman!  

I think my belly outgrew my jeans in 1 day- sounds crazy, but true.  I went to work that morning with my jeans fitting fine, and by lunch they could no longer be zipped up- so this week brought out the Bella Band!!! Every day is so exciting- some days scary- but every day exciting.  I love this journey we are on and can't wait to meet our little one in November!!

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