The Fritts Life- its gonna be a good good life!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


How Far Along:  8 weeks
Total Weight Gain: -5 pounds...not sure why?!?!
Maternity Clothes:  Nope- I have a bella band ready and waiting....
Stretch Marks:  Nope
Sleep:  Good, but having weird and crazy dreams!
Best Moment This Week:  Finding a daycare!
Miss Anything:  Being able to workout with my husband
Movement: not yet
Food Cravings:  none this week- just chowing down on fiber bars and gingersnap cookies
Anything make you quesy or sick:  Brushing my teeth! Uck!
Gender Predicition- still going with girl
Labor Signs: none
Symptoms:  Get worn out really easy, nausea-  riding in cars is the worst!  Ive tracked down my peak times of feeling sick- 730am-10am, 130pm- 4pm and 7pm to 10pm-- yep basically all day
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding ring on or off:  ON!!!! Im finally wearing my wedding ring after 2 long long months!
Happy or Moody:  Happy- excited!  
Looking Forward to:  Hopefully getting the medical release to do physical activity!
Nursery Progress: Still just trying to come up with a game plan on where things can go

The baby is now the size of a raspberry, taste buds are forming, fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed and the tail is gone! Its crazy to think about all that going on inside me!

The pregnancy is definitely getting better and easier- but its still tough.  The medicine is still really rough on me, but hopefully I won't be on it much longer!  I have to rest a lot, but I think thats pretty normal. I just never imagined so many problems would have already happened by week 8- it seems like just when we fix one problem, another one arises out of nowhere- but we just keep praying and resting and trusting in God to take care of me and the baby.  

We did our daycare search this week- it was amazing the difference in places we saw!  It was an absolute no brainer to choose Primrose Academy- we wanted a place we felt safe leaving our baby and a place where there was actual education and not just wasting time.  They had the friendliest staff, they have educational curriculum all the way from infant up- that includes sign language, technology, spanish, arts, math, and science- and they are constantly doing assessments on the children to make sure they are growing socially and mentally at the rate they should.  They have their own private kindergarden and the kids have uniforms once they reach the age of 3 (and they are very cute!).  The level of education seemed outstanding! They also have an actual safe room for the kids to go to in case of a tornado- and hurricane covers on the windows!  It has the best hours- they are open the earliest and close the latest- and they give you grace if you are late due to an emergency or wreck.  I'm so thankful we agreed on the same place and that we both felt so strongly it was the right choice. It is everything we could want for our child! The waiting list was longer than we needed- by about a month- so we will have to find a temporary arrangement for a month or so....praying on that one!

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